"You are not alone"
"All killer and no filler"
Click to see the Baron fly

So what's in A-Teaming? 
Well, it's kinda like Ufa studio's 1943 version of Műnchausen as retold by Iraq's Minister of Information (emeritus).  In short, a skeleton key to decipher, diffuse and otherwise recycle Military Industrial Complex-speak at work, at home and wherever else life takes you.

Click to hear what was once fiction is now fact
Click for Ike's heads up

A-Teaming presents generic spec ops tactics that apply throughout the Military Industrial Complex and suggests ways to apply them to your own circumstances whether they be entry level employee on up to corporate board member, peace activist or militarist, pro-business or anti-business and or politically to the left, right or middle (greens notwithstanding).   

Rest assured this book is not boring.  As proof positive, surf and click the sidebar text buttons on the upper left side of this page.  As for the images, they link to related content, unfortunately it may be preceded by an ad with the good news being that often the commercial can be skipped after a few seconds.

THE TRAILER is the actual first page of the book and is not unlike the content teaser used to promote an upcoming movie.  360 GUY is also an actual excerpt akin to an "Introduction" section.  1000 POINTS OF LIGHT lists some of the countless cultural connections that have been related to Special Forces-speak.  As for the E-MAIL button, that directs you to an e-mail address and author bio.

A-Teaming is copyright 1996-2024 by Call Sign Walrus.  All Rights Reserved.  ISBN: 0-9723315-0-6.  (wet) Blanket disclaimer:  Everything on this site and in the book itself is covered by "Fair Use."  No portion of this website may be blah blah blah you know the rest.  If you're going to copy, steal, rip off and or claim any of my stuff (to include but not limited to everything) and represent it as your own (hereinafter "recycle") that will be our little secret.  That said, anyone recycling my intellectual property under "Fair Use" is kindly requested to at least credit or otherwise mention this website or the book in some manner or form that "adds value."  This site and the actual book was not authorized by and is not affiliated with the United States Department of Defense, by former Iraqi Minister of Information Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf or anyone else and contains no secret, restricted or confidential materials. For personalized details on the cost of the Military Industrial Complex, refer to the box marked Federal Deduction on your paycheck.

E-kudos to Yahoo
  Currently (i.e. the last time I checked) a text search for: A-Teaming shows A-Teaming.com as the #1 listing! As for Google, they're still working on it.

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