“Let’s Motor People”
 [Carson Kressley, Queer Eye For the Straight Guy]

Johnny Carson’s license plate “all around guy” best sums up what it takes to be a Green Beret.  Proficiency in marksmanship, hand-to-hand combat and other military skills is only part of the deal.  Equally if not more important is the ability to get along and get your way with anyone around the world without resorting to force.  Role model?  Holger Danske, the legendary guardian of Denmark who hears and sees all and wisely ignores and sleeps through most altercations and only awakens to do battle when a real emergency occurs.

Embedded throughout the remainder of the text are references to TV, film, song and other information much of which may seem to have little to do with Special Forces.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  To think globally and act locally requires a clear understanding of the cultural landfills where military, business, day-to-day and after hours intercourse are contemplated or are already in progress.  

When trying to select an appropriate metaphor, analogy, mission statement or develop and implement a plan, care should be taken not to limit oneself to the mean of the bell curve.  To think in, outside or underneath the box, to make it bigger, smaller or simply disappear requires a jukebox-like ability to access, apply and or reformat information regardless of point of origin.  Although there are countless do’s and don’ts, the ubiquitous environmental recycling icon provides some graphic advice.  When heading the wrong way, the directional arrows lead in an endless circle.  When pitched in the strike zone, they cut like a knife.  More precisely, a shurikin, which is the term for martial arts throwing star. 

The special operations models for teaming, empowerment and turn-on-a-dime planning and mission execution provide a crash course on how to be nimble, quick and avoid those that know Jack.  For those frightened that the information age is akin to a Stairmaster that won’t slow down or turn off, relax.  Technology is changing, people aren’t.  All thats needed to cope with the future is what's always been needed.  Keep your wits sharpened and butt covered.

Although illegal in international waters, A-Teaming drift nets American and other cultures, which is precisely the type of information that a Green Beret assembles when conducting an “Area Study” prior to entering an AO (Area of Operation).  Simply put, know what people eat, drink, like, dislike, their actions, reactions and most important, how they think.  Translation?  Know your customer.  And the caveat?  All rules subject to change, eligibility requirements may vary, some restrictions may apply.

As for the usefulness of this book, a paraphrasing of Linda Lee’s introduction to husband Bruce’s Tao of Jeet Kune Do provides if not an answer then at least good advice.  Read, use what you can and when you’re done, recycle these pages to clean up a big dog’s mess. 

The 25 words or less summary:  A-Teaming relates what Green Beret’s do best.  Recycling history’s lessons, regardless of country of origin and then applying that wisdom to accomplish their mission.

Excerpted from A-Teaming. Copyright 1996-2024 by Call Sign Walrus.  All Rights Reserved

Mention of Johnny's license plate in no way constitutes an endorsement or relation to A-Teaming.  Ditto the mention of Bruce or Linda Lee, the publishers of The Tao of Jeet Kune Do, use of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy's Carson Kressley's seminal quote as well as the graphic representation of California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) metallica to include but not limited to referring to Holger Danske.  Use of the aforesaid intellectual property is considered to be "Fair Use" etc., etc., etc. 

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